Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 2: Pretending to be a "Morning Person" at the Gym


This is the noise I awoke to this morning. I dread this sound every single weekday at 7:30 AM. Today, I dreaded it even more at 6:15 AM. Last night, I finally crawled into bed at 1:04 AM. I didn't mean for it to be that way - but take the perfect storm of the events in Madison, a thrilling Marquette vs. West Virginia game, and writing my day one article, I didn't have much choice. I'm more than a little shortchanged on sleep today.

I was off and driving by time 6:22 rolled around. As I drove down Water Street in Milwaukee to the Downtown YMCA, I noticed how empty the city was at that hour. I made nearly every stop light on my way. There was almost no one out. It was strange to think that in two hours, I'd be making the same exact drive - but there would be a lot more cars. When I got to my parking garage, I expected it to be empty too... but it was packed, as you can see in the picture below. I don't know who these people are who show up for work at 6:30 AM, but I just want to let them all know that they're officially crazy for being up this early :)

As I was walking in, I realized that I had no actual proof I was at the gym that early. I didn't take a picture of my clock, and there was no way I was going to do so while working out. So, I decided to check-in on Facebook to the Y:

As I began my workout, I noticed that the gym was PACKED. It was a different crowd than I usually see. Instead of the testosterone fueled broskis that I normally find in my afternoon workouts, I encountered quiet, mild-mannered office workers trying to stay in shape before they headed to the office. And as soon as seven o'clock hit, they were completely gone. I pretty much had the track to myself after that. It was great.

As much as I liked starting my day working out, there was one thing I didn't really like. My whole routine felt very rushed. I do a lot of stretches before I actually run - nearly 30 minutes worth - due to the fact that I had a knee injury a while back. I had to eliminate a stretch or two, and really book it on the track to get done in time. If I continue to go to the gym in the morning, I'll definitely need to give myself a few extra minutes.

Overall, it was a good experience. I felt great all day, despite being tired from my lack of sleep. Maybe I can get myself into this habit after all...

That was day two. I am now one twenty-third done with this experiment of awesome!

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